QWTF Chronicles

QWTF Apocalypse Invitational Tournament Results

Records are incomplete.

Date Winning Clan Losing Clan Winning Score Losing Score
3/17/98 Gothic Terror Undique Vinet Mors 1184 841
3/20/98 Clan Erinyes Gothic Terror 1482 879
3/21/98 Wolves Moon AutoAim2 666 600
3/26/98 Attack, Punish, Resist Wolves Moon 1005 379
3/27/98 Wolves Moon Undique Vinet Mors 862 695
3/28/98 Clan Erinyes Wolves Moon 1392 1026
3/31/98 Braveheart Clan Erinyes ? ?
4/1/98 Clan Erinyes Ministry of Pain 1231 1000
4/7/98 Clan Erinyes Attack, Punish, Resist 831 531
4/9/98 Iron Curtain Wolves Moon ? ?
4/15/98 Clan Marauder Clan Erinyes 1025 809
4/16/98 Gothic Terror Clan Sandman 752 446
4/19/98 Undique Vinet Mors Clan Erinyes 1143 939
4/20/98 Gothic Terror Braveheart 892 795
4/22/98 Gothic Terror Disciples of Syrinx 834 420
4/24/98 Gothic Terror Wolves Moon 717 476
4/29/98 Clan Erinyes Disciples of Syrinx 1770 1391
4/30/98 Ministry of Pain Gothic Terror 506 490
5/4/98 Iron Curtain Clan Erinyes ? ?
5/5/98 Attack, Punish, Resist Gothic Terror 807 665
5/6/98 Ministry of Pain Wolves Moon 700 610
5/7/98 Megadeath Gothic Terror 1221 1094
5/11/98 Megadeath Clan Erinyes 1664 359
5/18/98 Clan Erinyes Ministry of Pain 1177 793
5/21/98 Gothic Terror Braveheart 1920 834
5/22/98 Iron Curtain Wolves Moon 4 0
5/25/98 Clan Erinyes Undique Vinet Mors 2321 567
5/29/98 Iron Curtain Gothic Terror 444 420
6/5/98 Iron Curtain Clan Erinyes 1030 702

QWTF Chronicles